Abstract: MATH/CHEM/COMP 2002, Dubrovnik,
June 24-29, 2002
Initial analysis of binding sites in protein-DNA interaction based on
affinity of hydrogen bonds and van der Waals
contact formation
Anita KriSko1, Larisa ZoraniC2, and Michael Gromiha3 1Rudjer
Boskovic Institute, POB 180, HR-10002 Zagreb, Croatia 2Department of Physics, University of Split, HR-21000 Split, Croatia 3RIKEN
TSUKUBA Institute, Tsukuba, Japan Vital cellular processes
like DNA replication, genetic expression, DNA repair and packing engage
binding of proteins to DNA. Recently, many 3D structures of protein-DNA
complexes have been elucidated and nature of interaction has been examined.
The simplest way to study these interactions is by using binding preferences
of amino acids and nucleotides. With respect to the DNA recognition motifs,
62 nonredundant sequences (out of 129 solved tertiary structures of
protein-DNA complexes) were classified into eight DNA-binding protein
structural families1: (i)
helix-turn-helix proteins (21), (ii)
zinc-coordinating proteins (11), (iii) zipper-type
proteins (4), (iv) other
α-helical proteins (4), (v) β-sheet
proteins (3), (vi) the
β-hairpin/ribbon proteins (6), (vii) enzymes (4), (viii) and others
(9). Each group of sequences
was aligned using CLUSTAL-X. Experimentally solved binding Based on observed
frequency of hydrogen bonding, van der Waals contacts and water mediated
hydrogen bonding reported by Luscombe et al.2 binding preferences
of amino acid-nucleotide interactions were calculated. Preference profiles
were made for all 62 sequences. Binding regions in zipper-type proteins are
correlated with regions of highest preference values in preference profiles.
Binding domains of other α-helical proteins have similar profiles:
central amino acid(s) with high preference(s) and surrounding amino acids
with low or average preferences. The β-hairpin/ribbon protein binding
regions (except 1CMA_A) have asymmetric profiles: section with lower preferences
followed by section with higher amino acid preferences. For all other classes
an overall rule for binding regions was not found. 1 N. M. Luscombe, S. E. Austin, H. M. Berman, J. M. Thornton, An
overview of the structures of protein-DNA complexes, Genome Biology 1
(2000) 1-10. 2 N. M. Luscombe, R. A. Laskowski, J. M. Thornton, Amino acid-base
interactions: a three-dimensional analysis of protein-DNA interactions at an
atomic level, Nucleic Acids Research 29 (2001) 2860-2874.